You are here: 5. Job Costing > 5.4. TRANSACTIONS Menu: Transaction Processing > 5.4.1. Transactions - Job Transactions > Service Jobs - Invoicing, Progress Claims and Credits > Job Transaction Processing - File - Credit Note
Job Transaction Processing - File - Credit Note

Use this option to create a credit note for a service job when you want to reverse an entire invoice. This updates the debtor file, reduces the sales value and puts the original Cost of Sales back into the job as Work in Progress (WIP).

This is the only method of credit creation that un-flags any material or labour lines that have previously been flagged as taken up in a normal job invoice where the line items are listed for your customer – i.e. a detailed do-and-charge invoice.



If you only want to credit part of an invoice for a service job, see "Crediting Part of an Invoice for a Service Job - Not Itemised" (normal invoice) or "Crediting Part of an Invoice for a Service Job" (free form invoice).

If you want to credit a progress claim for a service job, see "Crediting a Progress Claim".



Technical Tip

You can also use MDS to credit customers for service jobs by:

  • creating a credit note (refer to "Sales - Credit Note Creation"). This updates the debtor file and prints a standard credit note form. However, your MJC job files and WIP are not adjusted. These affect your WIP, Jobs, MDS and your Debtors.
  • creating a manual credit note (refer to "Debtors Transaction Processing - Journals"). This works much like a credit journal in that the customer account is updated but there is no impact on your stock or Job Costing information. Only the Debtors file is updated.

To credit an entire invoice for a service job:

  1. Display the Job Transaction Processing screen for the job you want to credit.

Refer to "Managing Service Jobs".

  1. Select FILE | CREDIT NOTE.


Technical Tip

2.8 Feature

If Micronet has been configured to prevent stock from going negative and the quantity of an item on the invoice has resulted in a negative stock on hand quantity, the List of Items Causing Negative Stock screen displays – see "Dealing with Negative Stock (v2.8)".

Micronet displays the Job Credit Note screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Customer Number

Micronet displays the ID and description of the customer you are processing the credit note for.


Job Number

Micronet displays the job number.


Invoice Number

Enter the invoice number that you want to credit. You can also press spacebar then Enter to select an invoice.

Micronet displays the invoice lines to be credited at the bottom of the screen.


Quoted Amount

Micronet displays any fixed price agreed for this job.


Description 1, 2, 3

Micronet displays the job description.


Charge Amount

Micronet displays the amount invoiced on the invoice to be credited.


Already Invoiced

Micronet displays any previously invoiced amount.


This Credit Note

Micronet displays the amount to be credited.

When you enter an Invoice Number, Micronet displays the invoice details on the Job Credit Note screen.

  1. If you are certain that you want to credit the entire invoice, select POST.

Micronet processes the credit note and reverses the original invoice then displays the Select Printer screen.

  1. Select the printer you want the credit note printed on then select Accept.

Micronet prints the credit note then redisplays the Job Information screen.